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C. Hiers

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Good things come in threes. Three little pigs, Three’s Company, the Triforce from Legend of Zelda, you get the idea. Hungover is a 3-piece from Orlando, Fla and they are also a good thing. It’s not easy to retain a rock sensibility and still produce an offering that one can dance to, but that’s exactly what Hungover has done with their latest single, "Shake It Off". 

The instruments blend as smoothly as a….smoothie? I don’t know, I’m not good with metaphors, but they exude a really melodic, soothing vibe and the vocals are of a much higher quality than the average rock offering. I have a sneaking suspicion this band may be a lot cooler than your humble author, and I’m slightly threatened by that, but I’m still gonna give them a good review because this isn’t about me, and I’m a professional.

Side note: Damn them all for making me enjoy a chorus with falsetto in it. I feel like I need a shower now.

Hungover - "Shake It Off"


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